Net Departo AB

Net Departo AB

Investing in Nordic e-commerce companies. Learn more

Launch date
Stockholms kommun Stockholm County (HQ)

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More about Net Departo AB

Net Departo invests capital and knowledge into E-commerce companies. The group has three business areas:

1. Passive minority investments into larger established Nordic E-commerce companies

2. Active majority investments into smaller fast growing Nordic E-commerce companies

3. E-commerce consultancy work for selected pure play Nordic E-commerce companies

Net Departo Ventures AB invests in companies with the following characteristics:

- B2C online stores

- Profitable

- Revenue of >1 Million EUR

- Niche focused

- Proven concept in home market

- International growth potential

- Competent management team

For accelerating E-commerce companies, Net Departo has an internal E-commerce consultancy department, that accelerate, optimize and manage both internal and external E-commerce companies. The philosophy of the consulting company is to deliver efficient work to the internal and external clients at a fair price. We gain synergies and economies of scale between our internal and external clients and in that way can help online shops to grow in a cost efficient way .

Areas we help our internal and external customers in:

- Internationalization within the Nordic

- Optimizing Adwords on hourly basic

- Optimizing SEO on hourly basic

- Graphical design

- Optimizing Usability

- Optimizing stock and warehouse management

We aim at being the E-commerce consultancy with "most bang for the bucks" and deliver "hands on" work.